In addition to the charm of the golden sixties, these robust and functional taps offer perfect ergonomics and endless ease of use. Now available in more than 18 finishes.

Pile & Face
Concealed stop-valve, 3/4
Ref.: 4012.--.82
Pile & Face
Concealed shower thermostat
Ref.: 4012.--.74
Pile & Face
Concealed shower thermostat with 2 valves
Ref.: 4012.--.94
Pile & Face
Set shower mixer, Ø200mm and handshower
Ref.: 4012.--.65
Pile & Face
Set shower mixer, Ø300mm and handshower
Ref.: 4012.--.66
Pile & Face
Monohole for kitchen, spout 130mm
Ref.: 1002.--.42
Pile & Face
Monohole for kitchen, spout 170mm
Ref.: 1002.--.22
Pile & Face
Wall-mounted kitchen mixer, spout above
Ref.: 1002.--.20
Pile & Face
Wall-mounted kitchen mixer, spout under
Ref.: 4012.--.21
Pile & Face
Wall-mounted kitchen mixer, spout under
Ref.: 1002.--.21